
VELLZYME TiVo ExtraGrain

The experts of Veller Group have developed unique VELLZYME products which are analogous to enzymatic preparations containing transglutaminase for various branches of industry and introduced them in production.
One of innovative products which is successfully used in the dairy industry by production engineers is VELLZYME TiVo ExtraGrain.
VELLZYME TiVo ExtraGrain does not contain transglutaminase and is recommended for the production of yoghurts, kefir, soured milk, quark, cheeses, sour cream and ice cream.
VELLZYME TiVo ExtraGrain increases the product yield by 20-30%, improves taste, odour, appearance, consistency and texture. Quark becomes more granulated and fluffy and can be stored for extended periods of time. This helps to increase gel viscosity and strength, obtain a creamy taste, improve creaminess of yoghurt consistency.
Products with VELLZYME TiVo ExtraGrain are characterized by palate fullness and a smooth, velvety texture.
High specificity of action and natural origin of VELLZYME TiVo ExtraGrain are prerequisite for environmental friendliness of products and absence of side effects at later production stages.
VELLZYME TiVo ExtraGrain helps to reduce and in some cases to exclude the share of emulsifiers and stabilizers or enhance their effectiveness and besides reduce the protein quantity. This leads to lower prime costs and at the same to a greater quantity ad better quality of end products which is especially relevant for quark.