One of the fields of business at VELLER GROUP focused on development of resource-conserving environmentally friendly technologies and processes is creation of multienzyme complexes for customers. These systems may include several various enzymes which function in a certain sequence. Safety and effectiveness of such complexes enable our clients to improve the production metrics, solve technological issues, cut production costs and obtain a competitive product suited to the market needs. Multienzyme complexes VELLZYME B-Shape and VELLZYME BakeFit as a dough adjuster have been developed by our experts to cope with the following tasks: obtain a greater loaf volume, more homogeneous breadcrumbs, better crust colour, accelerated proving stage, improved dough processability. VELLZYME B-Shape selectively impacts on starchs, proteins, lipids, fibre by improving the texture, rheological properties of dough and increasing the nutritional value of end products. A good result is achieved even with flour that significantly deviates from the standard: having a low content of gluten and gluten strain value (short gluten), insufficient baking absorption, whiteness, etc.
The selected composition of enzymatic mixtures provides the same advantages as chemical bread improvers, whereby the label remains clean.